Jorge Rivera
Jorge Rivera Santos, Ph.D.
PRWRERI Director
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
Cecilio Ortiz
Cecilio Ortiz, Ph.D.
Department of Social Sciences
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
Marla Perez
Marla Pérez Lugo, Ph.D.
Department of Social Sciences
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
Carmen González
Carmen González
Environment Specialist
Agricultural Extension Service
University of Puerto Rico
Mayaguez Campus
Roy Ruiz
Roy Ruiz
Assistant Researcher
Development of a Management Plan for Stormwater Runoff...
Title: Development of a Management Plan for Stormwater Runoff in Mayagüez

Duration: September 29, 2009 - June 30, 2011

Studies and monitoring programs on storm water runoffs have shown that these water corps can be a mean of transport for different types of pollutants that are discharged into local water bodies. Most storm sewer systems in Puerto Rico are owned and operated by municipalities. They are called by the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) as Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). The discharge of these pollutants into the storm water system must be eliminated, therefore, operators of MS4s must obtain an NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permit and develop a management plan for storm water runoffs. The municipality of Mayagüez operates many storm water runoff systems, therefore its required to be in compliance with these regulations and EPA regulations.

To be in compliance with this law the municipality of Mayagüez established the project "Development of a Management Plan for Stormwater Runoff in Mayagüez". The PRWRERI will be responsible for the development of this plan. This plan will be divided into the following tasks:
  • The NPDES application permit
  • Development of schematic maps with the different systems
  • Development of a runoff management plan
  • Inspection and elimination of illegal discharges to the systems.
As part of developing this plan, the Institute has designed an innovative methodology which directly involves the public in the discussion of ideas and strategies which will be included in the plan. Also, as part of the methodology development plan, an educational component is included at all levels of education with educational material of a different nature which present the subject of runoffs good management practices.

Project Photos
Last Modified: 11/15/2010
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