About me
Dr. Oscar Marcelo Suarez is Professor at the University of Puerto Rico - Mayagüez, with extensive experience in mechanical and metallurgical engineering. Dr. Oscar earned a BS in Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering from Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina, followed by an MS and PhD in Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Since 2000, Oscar has served at UPRM, progressing from Assistant to Associate Professor, and currently holds the position of Professor in the Department of Engineering Sciences & Materials. Additionally, Oscar has served as Coordinator of the Materials Science & Engineering Graduate Program and as Interim Chair of the department. [His/Her] research focuses on materials science, with a strong emphasis on composites and nanomaterials, contributing significantly to the field through numerous publications and funded projects.
All the best!

Biocomposites for Caffeine Detection and Removal in Aquatic Ecosystems.